Day 28 – Drive to Yellowstone

667 Miles

It was a driving day, so a short entry here.

In our original plan, we were going to go directly from Portland to Yellowstone, but when we realized that we’d be the closest we’d ever been (as a family) to Canada, we altered the route to include these long days of driving to and from Banff in Alberta. We didn’t regret it a bit.

Even better was that the return drive into the U.S. took us over the border at Carway, Montana, then down the entire length of that state, giving us a chance to see the incredible scenery change from the border, through Helena, and down to our destination of West Yellowstone in the very southern tip of Montana. 

It had been a long day again, but absolutely beautiful driving. We checked into our hotel a little before midnight, happy to be only five minutes from the West Entrance to Yellowstone.

  • A poor shot of Calgary, but the only one we have.
    A poor shot of Calgary, but the only one we have.

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